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de Framond, L., H. Brumm, W.I. Thompson*, S.M. Drabing* & C.D. Francis. (2022) The broken-wing display across birds and the conditions for its evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 289: 20220058. *Undergraduate student author

Francis*, C.D. & M.R. Wilkins.* (2021) Testing the strength and direction of selection using metabolic theory of ecology: a case study in vocal communication. Ecosphere 12:e03733. *authors contributed equally


Reed^, V.A., C.A. Toth, R.N. Wardle^, D.G.E. Gomes^, J.R. Barber & C.D. Francis. (2021) Natural noise impairs conspecific signal detection and alters territorial defense behaviors in songbirds. Behavioral Ecology 32:993-1003. ^Graduate student author

Wilson^*, A.A., M.A. Ditmer, J.R. Barber, N.H. Carter, E.T. Miller, L.P. Tyrrell & C.D. Francis*. (2021) Artificial nightlight and anthropogenic noise interact to influence bird abundance over a continental scale. Global Change Biology 27:3987-4004. ^Graduate student author *Authors contributed equally to this work

Gomes^, D.G.E., C.A. Toth, H.J. Cole^, C.D. Francis & J.R. Barber. (2021) Phantom rivers restructure terrestrial insectivore communities. Nature Communications 12:3029. ^Graduate student author


Phillips, J.N., S.E. Termondt & C.D. Francis. (2021) Long-term noise pollution affects seedling recruitment, community composition, and negatively effects persist after noise removal. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 288: 20202906.


Kernbach^, M.E., L.B. Martin, T.R. Unnasch, R.J. Hall, R. Jiang & C.D. Francis. (2021) Light pollution, but not urbanization, predicts West Nile virus exposure risk in Florida. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 288: 20210253. ^Graduate student author


Willems^, J.S., J.N. Phillips, R.A. Vosbigian*, F.X. Villablanca & C.D. Francis. (2021) Night lighting and anthropogenic noise alter the activity and body condition of pinyon mice (Peromyscus truei). Ecosphere 12:e03388. *Undergraduate student author ^Graduate student author


Levenhagen^, M.J., Z.D. Miller, D.G.E. Gomes^, A.R. Petrelli^, L.A. Ferguson^, Y.-H. Shr, B.D. Taff, C. White, K. Fristrup, C. Monz, C.J.W. McClure, P. Newman, C.D. Francis & J. R. Barber. (2021) Ecosystem services provided by soundscapes link people and wildlife. People and Nature 3: 176-189. doi:10.1002/pan3.10156 ^Graduate student author

Senzaki*, M., J.R. Barber, J.N. Phillips, N.H. Carter, C.B. Cooper, M.A. Ditmer, K.M. Fristrup, C.J.W. McClure, D.J. Mennitt, L.P. Tyrrell, J. Vukomanovic, A.A. Wilson^ & C.D. Francis.* (2020) Sensory pollutants alter bird phenology and fitness across a continent. Nature 587: 605-609. *Authors contributed equally to this work ^Graduate student author


Ferraro^, D.M., Z.D. Miller, L.A. Ferguson, B.D. Taff, J.R. Barber, P. Newman & C.D. Francis. (2020) The phantom chorus: birdsong boosts human well-being in protected areas. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 287: 20201811. ^Graduate student author


Ditmer, M.A., D.C. Stoner, C.D. Francis, J.R. Barber, J.D. Forester, D.M. Choate, K.E. Ironside, K.M. Longshore, K.R. Hersey, R.T. Larsen, B. McMillan, D.D. Olson, A.M. Andreasen, J.P. Beckmann, B.P. Holton, T.A. Messmer & N.H. Carter. (2020) Artificial nightlight alters the predator-prey dynamics of an apex carnivore. Ecography 44:149-161.

Dominoni, D. M., W. Halfwerk, E. Baird, R. T. Buxton, E. Fernandez-Juricic, K. M. Fristrup, M. F. McKenna, D. J. Mennitt, E. K. Perkin, B. M. Seymoure, D. C. Stoner, J. B. Tennessen, C. A. Toth, L. P. T. Tyrell, Wilson Ashley^, C.D. Francis, N. H. Carter, and J. R. Barber. (2020). Why and how conservation biology should benefit from sensory ecology. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 502-511. ^Graduate student author

Le*, M.L., C.M. Garvin*, J.R. Barber & C.D. Francis. (2019) Short-term manipulation of the natural acoustic environment alters anti-predator behavior in the California ground squirrel. Animal Behavior 157:51-60. *Undergraduate student author


Vitousek, M. N., M. A. Johnson, J. W. Donald, C. D. Francis, M. J. Fuxjager, W. Goymann, M. Hau, J. F. Husak, B. K. Kircher, R. Knapp, L. B. Martin, E. T. Miller, L. A. Schoenle, J. J. Uehling, and T. D. Williams. (2019) Macroevolutionary patterning in glucocorticoids suggests different selective pressures shape baseline and stress-induced levels. American Naturalist 193:866-880.


Kleist^, N.J., R.P. Guralnick, A. Cruz, C.A. Lowry & C.D. Francis. (2018) Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 115:E648–E657. ^Graduate student author 


Francis, C. D., J. W. Donald, M. J. Fuxjager, W. Goymann, M. Hau, J. F. Husak, M. A. Johnson, B. K. Kircher, R. Knapp, L. B. Martin, E. T. Miller, L. A. Schoenle, M. N. Vitousek, T. D. Williams, and C. J. Downs. (2018) Metabolic scaling of stress hormones in vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58:729-738.

Francis, C.D., P. Newman, B.D. Taff, C. White, C.A. Monz, M. Levenhagen^, A.R. Petrelli^, L.C. Abbott^, J. Newton, S. Burson, C.B. Cooper, K.M. Fristrup, C.J.W. McClure, D. Mennitt, M. Giamellaro, J.R. Barber. (2017) Acoustic Environments Matter: Synergistic benefits to humans and wildlife. Journal of Environmental Management 203: 245-254. ^Graduate student author


Siepielski, A.M., M.B. Morrissey, M. Buoro, S.M. Carlson, C.M. Caruso, S.M. Clegg, T. Coulson, J. DiBattista, K.M. Gotanda, C.D. Francis, J. Hereford, J.G. Kingsolver, K.E. Augustine, L.E.B. Kruuk, R.A. Martin, B.C. Sheldon, N. Sletvold, E.I. Svensson, M.J. Wade & A.D.C. MacColl. (2017) Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection. Science 355: 959-962.

Francis, C.D. (2015) Vocal traits and diet explain avian sensitivities to anthropogenic noise. Global Change Biology 21, 1809-1820. MEDIA: ScienceNow!


Swaddle*, J. P., C. D. Francis*, J. R. Barber, C. B. Cooper, C. M. Kyba, D. M. Dominoni, G. Shannon, E. Aschehoug, S. E. Goodwin, A. Y. Kawahara, D. Luther, K. Spoelstra, M. Voss, and T. Longcore. (2015) A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30, 550-560. *Joint first authors

Francis, C.D., & J.R. Barber. (2013) A framework for understanding noise impacts on wildlife: an urgent conservation priority. Frontiers in Ecology & the Environment 11, 305-313. *Authors contributed equally


McClain, C.R., P.A.P. Durst, A.G. Boyer & C.D. Francis. (2013) Unraveling the determinants of insular body size shifts. Biology Letters 9, 10.1098/rsbl.2012.0989. Graduate student author


Francis, C.D., N.J. Kleist^, C.P. Ortega, A. Cruz. (2012) Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dispersal. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 279, 2727–2735. ^Graduate student author  

Francis, C.D., C.P. Ortega, & A. Cruz. (2009) Noise pollution changes avian communities and species interactions. Current Biology 19, 1415-1419. 



Francis C.D. (2015) Habitat loss and degradation: beyond land cover change to anthropogenic stressors. In M. L. Morrison & H. A. Mathewson, editors. Wildlife Habitat Conservation.


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